Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I recently joined/started being active on Twitter... as part of my starting new things/putting myself out there dealio... So, of course I'm following Oprah, cuz how can you not be. She mentioned people starting a "gratitude journal" after watching one of her Life Class episodes (which are really inspiring - I would suggest watching them if you ever get the opportunity). I didn't see the episode, but I was intrigued and googled "gratitude journal," thought it sounded like something that would be good for me right now, and downloaded an App for my phone. The App is called "My Gratitude Journal" by Happy Tapper. The slogan is "Write down 5 things each day & change your life forever." Each journal entry gives you a new little inspiring quote. My first quote was...
"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon... everything's different." - Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes
How fitting for this journey I am embarking on. 
So here is my first Gratitude Journal Entry. Feel free to share yours as well and join me through this process!

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